Who should attend: Builders, Renovators, Insulators, Mechanical Contractors, Plumbers, Electricians, Solar Installers, any trade that puts holes in the building envelope. This event is open to Members & non-members.
The Integrated Design Process is designed to emphasize inter-disciplinary collaboration between builders, renovators, trades, industry experts, manufacturers, and other stakeholders from the beginning of the design process. IDP encourages discussion on the importance of various high-performance issues and establishes a consensus on the matters of concern. IDP takes a holistic approach of the construction process; costing, design of systems, energy engineering and simulations, material selection, building/renovating constraints, and provides objective information on the aspect of performance. IDP enables clear communication of performance targets, strategies to achieving these targets, and allows for continuous iteration through feedback loops.
The LEEP IDP Workshop will focus on how to achieve compliance with locally applicable codes and standards, providing participants with the following:
• An interactive update on local energy-efficiency requirements with an open discussion of challenges and solutions; exploring the impact of upgrades on energy, cost and carbon
• Provincial Archetypes used to demonstrate the IDP process and decision-making tools that can help members achieve energy-efficiency targets through either the prescriptive or performance code compliance path
• Information on tools, guides and technical forums developed by Natural Resources Canada
• Participating builders will gain access to parametric analysis, cost optimization, embodied carbon analysis, etc.
• A takeaway package summarizing the new energy-efficiency requirements and design solutions
• Opportunity to receive follow-up information and updates
This course is pending approval for 5.0 CPD
Room AB
Breakfast and Registration: 8:00 - 8:30am
Training: 8:30am - 10:00am
Break: 10:00am - 10:10am
Training: 10:10am - 12:00pm
Lunch: 12:00pm - 12:45pm
Training: 12:45pm - 3:00pm