BC Building Code Update
February 27, 2024 (7:30 AM - 10:00 AM) (PST)
Who should attend: Builders, Renovators, Designers, Trades & Building Officials
Want to keep up with the BC Building Code (BCBC)? This course will introduce students to the latest edition of the BC Building Code. Students will apply a working knowledge of compliance, code objectives, definitions and appendices as they relate to the built environment.
Changes to the 2023 BCBC come into effect March 8/2024. This workshop will cover new code requirements for housing construction:
- Cooling requirements
- Radon area change
- Foundation wall dimension
- Modified ICF reinforcement & gypsum board application
- Other relevant changes to housing construction
We will also discuss:
- The most recent changes to the current BCBC that building designers need to know?
- What are the most reoccurring inspection rejections or building permit issuance delay from design point of view and why?
Part 2 - Preparing Buidlers for Upcoming Changes in Kelowna
Things are changing fast in the housing world. To provide context from the City of Kelowna's perspective, join planning staff for a presentation and discussion.
We will discuss:
Highlights from the City's most recent Housing Needs Assessment
An overview of the City's approach to the Housing Accelerator Fund
A deeper dive into the City's work on infill housing and the newly created Middle Income Housing Partnership program
- Mo Bayat - Director of Development Services - City of Kelowna
- James Moore - Infill & Housing Policy Manager - City of Kelowna
- Arlene Janousek - Planner & Project Mananger - City of Kelowna
This course is approved for 2.0 CPD with BC Housing
Presenting Sponsor
5505 Airport Way
Kelowna, BC V1V 3C3 Canada
Dan Winer